How much should I spend on SEO per month?

by | Jan 14, 2022 | Digital Marketing

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SEO budgeting varies depending on numerous different factors. Before you decide to invest in an SEO strategy, you first understand if it is the best fit for your company’s business. Remember your business is competing with numerous other companies for the top page of the search results. Therefore, find the SEO strategy that best fits your budget and your website’s needs, then invest in it. Let us look at how much you can spend on SEO per month.

Digital marketing is the primary marketing strategy for most businesses. However, some business owners still find it hard to budget for the digital marketing plan. Most small business owners do not have any money put aside for SEO, but those seem to spend below $500 per month.

This may not apply to you or may do; how much you spend on SEO per month depends on the size of your business and the type of SEO strategy you are using. With SEO, you get what you pay for; if you pay less, you get less, but you get more if you invest significantly. Search engine optimization services cost from $80 to $30,000, all depending on the strategy you are using.

Per hour, you can get search engine optimization services that cost $80 to $200, whereas per month, you can pay $750 to $2000. If you would like to use the one-time SEO, you can pay from $5000 to $30,000.

Determine your SEO pricing with these factors.

  • SEO goals
  • Business size
  • The SEO pricing model, either monthly or hourly
  • The status of the existing SEO strategy
  • The agency and consultant location

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