The Pros and Cons of a PHP Framework

by | Oct 19, 2016 | Computers

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No framework or language in the world of web development is quite as split and indecisively rated as PHP. PHP has been around for a very long time, and in that time, it’s garnered plenty of positive and negative feedback. There are PHP fans, PHP experts, PHP lovers – and the very counterpart of each of those terms.

Built initially in 1995, about 82 percent of websites with revealed server-side programming are built utilizing a PHP framework as per InfoWorld. No matter what you say, you can’t argue with the fact that PHP is popular, and comprehensive – and as per PyPL, it ranks just below Java and Python as the most popular language, and above C# and Javascript. In its 7th iteration, it continues to show promise and capability. But not everyone agrees that it should be used at all.

The Pros of PHP

Opting for PHP website development with a company has some undoubtedly positive attributes. For one, it’s relatively easy to learn. There are some inconsistencies and it’s not quite as intuitive as many modern languages, but it’s still not as complex as, say, C#.

It’s also still evolving. Being in its seventh iteration, it shows no signs of slowing down.

The Cons of PHP

There are, of course, cons to using PHP. For example, it’s inconsistent and at times redundant. There are bad habits built into the language, such as magic quotes and globals, and its lack of focus can be attributed to the fact that it was built slowly, over time, by different people.

In the end, however, whether or not you decide to opt for PHP website development is a question of skill and preference. Despite its comprehensiveness, other languages can be used to perform many of PHPs functions – but it’s a general rule of thumb to work with what you’re most familiar with, in order to maintain best practices.

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